Graduate Committee Recommendations

Approved by Faculty Votes
November 28, 2001

  1. The Graduate Committee's recommendation that the language requirement for M.A. and Ph.D. degrees to be dropped was approved.
  2. The GC's recommendation on unifying the two options was approved. Specifically, the following changes are approved.
    1. The Core Sequences consist of Algebra, Analysis, Mathematical Statistics, and Topology.
    2. The Elective Sequences will be the union of those currently under two options.
    3. The requirements for Core Qualifying Exams are not to be changed, except that the Core Sequences are unified as in Item (A). Specifically: A master's student is to pass a Core Qualifying Exam in Master's level for the Exam Option. A doctoral student is to pass two Core Qualifying Exams in Ph.D. level.
    4. The requirements for completing Sequences are not to be changed, except that the Core and Elective Sequences are unified as in Items (A) and (B), respectively. Specifically: A master's student is to complete two sequences with at least 3.0 average in each sequence. A candidate who elects the thesis option must include at least one Core Sequence. A doctoral student is to complete four sequences with at least 3.0 average in each sequence.

  3. The following proposal from the Analysis ad hoc Committee was approved with the amendment: The course titles of Real Analysis I, Real Analysis II, and Abstract Integration, are to be changed to Introduction to Real Analysis, Real Analysis I, and Real Analysis II, respectively.
    1. From the Undergraduate Committee:
      1. Rename MAA 4211 from Intermediate Analysis I to Intermediate Analysis.
      2. Set the syllabus for MAA 4211 to chapters 1 to 4 of Rudin's “Principles of Mathematical Analysis.”
      3. Rename MAA 4212 from Intermediate Analysis II to Real Analysis.
      4. Set the syllabus for MAA 4212 to Chapters 5 to 8 of Rudin's “Principles of Mathematical Analysis.”
      5. Schedule MAA 4212 every Spring starting in 2002; it will be piggybacked with MAA 5306 Real Analysis I.
    2. From the Gradute Committee:
      1. Set the syllabus for MAA 5306 to Chapters 5 to 8 of Rudin's “Principles of Mathematical Analysis.”
      2. Change the catalog description of MAA 5306 to “PR: MAA 4211. Differentiation, Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, uniform convergence, Fourier series, special functions.”
      3. Set the syllabus for MAA 5307 to Chapters 1 to 6 of Royden's “Real Analysis.”
      4. Change the catalog description of MAA 5307 to “PR: MAA 5306. Lebesgue measure and integration on the real line, classical Banach spaces.”
      5. Renumber MAA 6616 to MAA 5616. (Name remains Abstract Integration.)
      6. Set the syllabus for MAA 5616 to chapters 10 to 14 of Royden's “Real Analysis.”
      7. Change the catalog description of MAA 5616 to “PR: MAA 5307. Banach spaces, measure and integration, Riesz Representation Theorem, Radon-Nikodym Theorem.”
      8. Schedule MAA 5306, piggybacked with MAA 4212, in Spring semesters starting in 2002.
      9. Schedule MAA 5307 in Fall semesters starting in 2002.
      10. Schedule MAA 5616 in Spring semesters starting in 2003.
      11. The Analysis Core Sequence should include MAA 5306, MAA 5307, and MAA 5616, effective 2002-03.
      12. The syllabus for the Analysis Qualifying Examination should match the combined syllabi of MAA 5306, MAA 5307, and MAA 5616, as given above, effective immediately.
  4. The following recommendations were approved. The GC recommended that the current requirement for the M.A. degree to be kept, with the following clarifications:
    1. The Mathematics graduate courses of 5000 level or higher, offered regularly for mathematics majors from our department, are counted towards the 30 hours requirement.
    2. Up to 6 hours of 4000 level or higher courses, taken from our department or other departments at USF, may be counted towards the 30 hours requirement with approval by the Graduate Program Director and the Department Chairman.
  5. The GC recommended that credit hours of MAT 6908 Independent Study and MAT 6939 Graduate Seminar, earned before passing two Core Qualifying Exams in Ph.D. level, do not count towards the M.A. or Ph.D. degree. Here, a Core Qualifying Exam is a qualifying exam based on a Core Sequence.
  6. The GC recommended that MAT 6908 Independent Study or MAT 6939 Graduate Seminar can be taken by a student before passing two Core Qualifying Exams in Ph.D. level, with an approval from the Graduate Program Director, and also from the Seminar Organizer for MAT 6939. Note, however, that the credit hours do not count towards a degree, as recommended above.
  7. The following new and revised courses in Analysis, DE, Applied Math were approved:
    1. The GC recommends changing the course title of MAP 5316 and MAP 5317, Ordinary Differential Equations I and II, to Nonlinear Analysis I and II, respectively. MAP 5316 Nonlinear Analysis I: Sobolev Spaces, Degree Theories, Fixed point Theory, Operators of Monotone Type, Applications to Elliptic/Parabolic PDEs. MAP 5317 Nonlinear Analysis II: Convexity, Variational Inequalities, Minimizers, Approximations, Applications to Elliptic/Parabolic PDEs.
    2. The GC approved new courses MAP 5XXX and MAP 6XXX, Dynamical Systems I and II. MAP 5XXX Dynamical Systems I: From differential equations to dynamical systems, introduction to chaos, local bifurcations, hyperbolic sets, averaging method, Melnikov method. MAP 6XXX Dynamical Systems II: Nonlinear evolutionary equations, global attractors, inertial manifolds, approximations of global dynamics, and applications to reaction-diffusion equations, nonlinear wave equations, and Navier-Stokes equations.
    3. The GC recommended changing the course number and title MAP 6336 Theory of ODE I to MAP 5336 Theory of ODE. Description: Existence theorems, linear systems, perturbed linear systems, Floquet theory, stability, boundary value problems, two-dimensional equilibria and limit cycles, Poincare-Bendixson theory, nonlinear second-order equations, and Runge-Kutta method.
  8. The following changes in Probability/Statistics were approved, with the exception of the last item, which will be discussed again by the Statistics Group and a recommendation will be made to the Graduate Committee.
    1. The GC recommends that the prerequisite of Probability I is “Real Analysis II or CI (consent of the instructor).”
    2. The GC approved the following two new Elective Sequences proposed by the Statistics Group last academic year: Stochastical Processes and Time Series Analysis: STA 6206, STA 6876. Linear Models and Multivariate Analysis: STA 6208 and STA 6746.
    3. The GC approved the change of the title of the courses “Computational Statistics I, II” to “Statistical Methods I, II,” respectively, as proposed by the Statistics Group. The name of the Elective Sequence will be changed accordingly.
  9. The proposal from the Discrete Mathematics Group was approved with an amendment that the sequence title of “Foundations of Computing” is changed to “Foundations” and the title of MAD 6510 is changed from “Topics of Theory of Computation” to “Advanced theory of computation.”
  10. The new policy on TOEFL by the Undergraduate and Graduate Studies of USF was approved to be used in our department as an alternative. The new policy says that an applicant must meet one of the following two language requiremens: (1) the existing TOEFL requirement, (2) the successful completion of a course at the English Language Institute (ELI) and a recommendation from the Director of ELI.
  11. The new policy of Graduate Studies was approved, which states that to serve as a major professor a faculty member must have had at least one refereed publication in the past three years.