Faculty Meeting
September 1, 2004


Present: Drs. Bieske, Burgos, Curtin, Elhamdadi, Hou, Jonoska, Krajcevski, Ma, Manougian, McColm, McWaters, Pothoven, Ratti, Rimbey, Saito, Shekhtman, Totik, Yanev and Williams.

Absent: Drs. Danielyan, Kartsatos, Mukherjea, Rakhmanov, Ramachandran, Rao, Skrzypek, Stark, Suen, Tsokos and You.

Dr. Marcus McWaters

Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m.

Introduced New Faculty Member.

Summer Results: Faculty members who wanted to teach this past summer were given at least one course each. Positive trend is expected to continue

Faculty Lines: The department was two lines this year--one in Statistics and one in Analysis.

Colloquium and Travel Funding: The dollar amounts in both categories have almost doubled this year.

Math Center Funding: It is anticipated that, as time goes by, monies may be available for department use.

Election of Members to Department Advisory and New Appointments Committees

Dr. McWaters presented the current membership of the Advisory Committee, noting the terms of three members had expired. Called for nominations to the Advisory Committee. Nominations submitted. Motion to approve/close nominations. Seconded. Motion carried. Motion to elect Drs. Rakhmanov, Suen and Williams to the Advisory committee. Seconded, carried. Motion Approved.

Dr. McWaters called for nominations for the New Appointments Committee for the position in Analysis. Nominations submitted. Motion to approve/close nominations. Seconded. Motion carried. Motion to elect Drs. Rakhmanov, Ratti, Shekhtman and Totik to the New Appointments Committee for the position in Analysis. Seconded. Carried. Motion Approved.

Governance Document

The College of Arts & Sciences is insisting that the two programs--Mathematics & Statistics--need to be split and that a discussion needs to take place regarding policies for the two programs. A call for volunteers to serve on a combined committee was made. Drs. Manougian, McColm and Rimbey were nominated to serve for Mathematics. Motion to elect slate. Seconded. Carried. Motion Approved. Decision was made that the Statistics group would need to elect members.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.