Faculty Meeting
April 13, 2005


Present: Drs. Bieske, Burgos, Curtin, Danielyan, Grinshpan, Hou, Kartsatos, Krajcevski, Ma, Manougian, McColm, McWaters, Mukherjea, Rakhmanov, Rao, Ratti, Rimbey, Saito, Shekhtman, Stark, Suen, Williams, Yanev and You.

Absent: Drs. Jonoska, Elhamdadi, Pothoven, Ramachandran, Skrzypek, Totik and Tsokos.

Guest: Dr. Arthur Guilford

Dr. Marcus McWaters

Meeting called to order at 2:05 p.m.

Note: A number of faculty were teaching a class at 2:00 p.m. and joined the meeting a few minutes after 3:00 p.m. (Drs. Burgos, Curtin, Danielyan, Hou, Manougian, Mukherjea and Stark).

Dr. McWaters introduced Dr. Guilford

Department of Statistics proposal: Dr. Guilford advised the faculty present at this time that the Dean could not support separation of the statistics group as a separate department from the Mathematics Department. Discussion held. Dr. Guilford noted that student credit hours are the key to surviving as a separate entity. Dr. Guilford suggested that within the department's governing document structure, language could be added which could provide some autonomy to the statistics group. He stated that it would be up to the department to structure and approve such language, keeping in mind that collective bargaining dictates much of the structure process.

Textbook Adoption Committee Recommendations

The textbook committee recommendations were presented for review and approval.

Call for discussion. Discussion held. Motion to approve recommendations as presented. Second, motion carried. APPROVED.

Faculty Committees -- 2005-2006

Distributed copies of the proposed sla5te of nominations for each departmental committee. Called for discussion. Discussion held. Motion to nominate Dr. Mukjerjea in Dr. Shekhtman's stead on the Lecture Series Committee. Second, motion carried. Motion to accept committee recommendations with change to Lecture Series Committee. Second, motion carried. APPROVED.

Graduate Committee: Saito, Jonoska, Kartsatos, Ma and Rakhmanov
Undergraduate Committee: Rimbey, Suen, Burgos, Manougian and Ratti
Lecture Series Committee: Elhamdadi, Mukherjea, Williams, Danielyan and Krajcevski
Library Committee: You and Curtin
Travel Committee: Skrzypek and Ma
Publicity Committee: McColm, Burgos, Curtin and Shekhtman
Computer Committee: McWaters and Bieske
Colloquium Committee Hou and Elhamdadi
Grad. Admissions Committee: Jonoska, Suen and Hou
Interdisciplinary Committee: Jonoska, McColm, Saito, You, Ma and Grinshpan

Advisory Committee

Dr. McWaters presented the current committee members, noting nominations for two new members to replace Jonoska and Kartsatos would need to be made. Listed on the board were those eligible for nomination: McColm, Mukherjea, Ratti, Saito, Stark, Tsokos, Rao and Ramachandran.

Current Committee: Jonoska, Kartsatos, Rakhmanov, Suen and Williams.

Called for nominations; nominations were McColm, Ratti and Mukherjea. Motion to close nominations. Second, passed. Dr. Ratti made a motion to remove his name from the nominations. Second, motion carried. Motion to approve remaining candidates. Second, motion carried. APPROVED.

Advisory Committee for 05/06: McColm, Mukherjea, Rakhmanov, Suen and Williams

New Hires

Dr. McWaters advised the faculty of his upcoming “resource” meeting with the Dean. Asked for input in prioritizing the areas in which the department would like to hire. Explained a need for flexibility in hiring, citing as an example “if a couple, both well qualified, were presented for hire, we would need the flexibility to hire both.” Discussion held. Dr. McWaters asked faculty to e-mail any suggestions to him. Dr. McWaters was called to another meeting. Dr. Greg McColm chaired the remainder of the meeting.

Dr. Greg McColm

Proposed Guidelines Changes

Article X: Division of Faculty -- Noted that Associate Dean Arthur Guilford advised faculty of the Dean's decision not to support the proposal for a separate Department of Statistics at this time. Much discussion held. A motion was presented by the Advisory Committee. “All current processes that are not enjoyed by all programs within the department should also not be available to statistics until such time as the university administration has set a date for the formation of a separate Department of Statistics.” Motion to amend current motion by Dr. Shekhtman, change “set a date” to read “has set [a] definite written plan.” Dr. McColm called for a motion to accept the amendment. Motion to accept amendment. Second, motion carried. Dr. Manougian made a motion to amend the amendment to read request the university ... with the deletion of all before it. Motion defeated. Discussion held. Motion to table Article X. Dr. McColm called for discussion. Discussion held; called for vote. Motion to table Article X APPROVED.

C. Selection of the Chair -- Dr. McColm distributed copies of the [proposed] changes to Section C of the departmental guidelines. Reiterated the guidelines presently in place for Section C, Selection of the Chair. Discussion held. Dr. Saito made a motion to amend changes presented to read no chair shall serve more than two consecutive terms without standing in an open election. Discussion held. Motion to amend amendment to read, No chair shall serve consecutive terms without an open election every term. Motion to approve second amendment. Second, carried. APPROVED. Ancillary language rendered several sentences in II moot. McColm, after meeting, recommended II be rewritten to conform with today's votes. The effect is: the chair shall be selected each term by the Dean, who selects from a ranked list of nominees approved by the faculty in an open election. Removal of the Chair: Changes presented, discussion held. Motion to amend change to read by a secret ballot of the tenured and non-tenure-track faculty. Motion to approve. Second, carried. APPROVED.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:24 p.m.