Faculty Meeting - April 7, 2003

Present: Drs. Burgos, Clark, Curtin, Elhamdadi, Isaak, Ismail, Krajcevski, Kartsatos, Ma, Manougian, McColm, McWaters, Pothoven, Ratti, Rimbey, Saito, Shekhtman, Stark, Suen, You, Zerla and Mr. Jim Tremmel.

Absent: Drs. Jonoska, Liang, Mukherjea, Nadarajah, Rakhmanov, Ramachandran, Rao, Totik, Tsokos and Williams.

Dr. Marcus McWaters

Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m.

Update on Selected Candidates: Letters of offer sent out to Hou, Skrzypek, and Bieske. Noted that they expressed an intent to accept.

Election of Members to Department Advisory Committee

Presented the current membership of the advisory committee noting end of term for Drs. Ratti and Mukherjea. Noted that Drs. Pothoven and Suen, having served on the committee recently, are not eligible for nomination. Called for nominations. Nominations submitted for Drs. Kartsatos and Jonoska. Motion to close nominations. Second, carried. Motion to approve nominations. Second, carried. Approved.

Scott Rimbey

Vote for Instructor Positions

Presented the committee recommendations for the instructor positions. Reviewed each of the candidate's background. Introduced the committee ranking of the five candidates. Called for discussion. Discussion held. Dr. McColm made a motion to assign two separate lists to the positions. Dr. Isaak seconded the motion. Discussion held. Motion to approve split. Defeated.

Ballots were distributed and then collected. Results of the votes were as follows:

  1. Arthur Danielian
  2. Guy Bernard
  3. Jean-Pierre Liamba
  4. Dean Oppegaard

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:54 p.m.