Faculty Meeting
March 9, 2005


Present: Drs. Burgos, Curtin, Danielyan, Grinshpan, Hou, Krajcevski, Ma, Manougian, McColm, McWaters, Mukherjea, Rakhmanov, Rimbey, Saito, Stark, Williams, and Yanev.

Absent: Drs. Bieske, Elhamdadi, Jonoska, Kartsatos, Pothoven, Ramachandran, Rao, Ratti, Shekhtman, Suen, Totik, Tsokos and You.

Dr. Marcus McWaters

Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m.

National Research Council Upcoming Evaluation of Ph.D. Programs: distributed copies of a program questionnaire for the faculty to review. A listing of NRC Variables that might be improved for the 2006 survey was also distributed. Discussion held.

Summer Update: Noted that the funding for math’s summer offerings will be in a dual format much like last summer. He has received all requests for summer and asked faculty to forward notification of any changes as soon as possible.

Commencement Participation: advised faculty of the importance the administration has placed on faculty participation in the commencement ceremonies. To that effect the administration is willing to pay for the school attire required for each faculty member who attends.

CAS Faculty Governance Committees nominations: advised faculty of necessity to nominate and send forward recommendations for the Faculty Governance Elections. Handouts of current Advisory Council and Standing Committees members distributed. Dr. McWaters called for nominations for each of the committees and advisory council. Nominations were as follows:

Dr. McWaters noted that only one nomination could be sent forward for each area. Discussion held. Motion to select Dr. You for tenure and promotion, seconded, carried. Motion to select Dr. Manougian for the Advisory Council, seconded, carried. Motion to select Dr. Jonoska with Dr. Saito as a second nomination for the Graduate committee should Dr. Jonoska not be allowed to serve a second term, seconded carried. Dr. McWaters called for a motion to accept the nominations as presented. Motion to accept made, seconded and carried.

Dr. Manoug Manougian

Textbook Searches: announced that the committees have already met once and a second meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, March 10, 2005. Dr. Manougian stated that the committees hoped to have these searches resolved by the April meeting. Textbook committees are as follows:

Dr. Wen-Xiu Ma

CAS Web Redesign & Spam Filter Issues – Update: distributed a handout of the CAS web page. Advised faculty that a standard web design is being tested. Asked all faculty to check their data for accuracy. Dr. Ma stated that he will send an e-mail to all faculty with the contact name for any changes that need to be made. Advised faculty that the e-mail spam filter has been down for about two weeks, but it should be up and running by the end of the week.

Dr. Greg McColm

Departmental Guidelines: distributed copies of the proposed revisions. Dr. McColm stated that there are only two revisions up for review. First, the Statistics Faculty would like to have a formal separation of the two programs (math/statistics). Second, the chair, three changes are proposed to eliminate the term limit and modification of the language for recalling a chair. Dr. McColm advised faculty that a vote cannot take place until 20 days after the initial presentation of the proposed revisions. Discussion held. It was decided that an open house meeting would be held on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 at 3:00 p.m. to further discuss the proposed revisions.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:54 p.m.