USF Math. Undergrad. Prog. Logo

Honors Program in Mathematics

The program is designed for students who wish to obtain a B.A. degree that will indicate unusual strength in the field of mathematics. Successful completion of the program will be prominently displayed on the student's diploma and will be recorded on the official USF transcript of the student's work.

Students are eligible for admission to the program when they

  1. have completed MAS 4301 -- Elementary Abstract Algebra,
  2. have at least a 3.0 average in all college courses, and
  3. have at least a 3.5 average in college mathematics courses.

Applications are submitted to the Undergraduate Committee of the Department of Mathematics.

The requirements for a B.A. degree in mathematics with honors are as follows:

  1. completion of requirements for the major in mathematics,
  2. completion of MAA 4211 -- Intermediate Analysis I,
  3. completion of MAT 4970 -- Mathematics Senior Thesis,
  4. completion of eight mathematics courses at or above the 4000-level,
  5. at least a 3.0 average for all courses, and
  6. at least a 3.5 average for mathematics courses.

For information on scholarships offered for honors students, please click here.

Please direct questions to
Last updated: 08-Apr-2002.
Copyright © 1999, USF Department of Mathematics.