USF Math. Undergrad. Prog. Logo

Accelerated BA/MA Program

This program is designed for superior students having a solid background in high school mathematics and the ability to handle a fast paced, challenging program leading to a BA and MA degree in mathematics in four to five years.

The program meets all the requirements for the BA degree, but requires the students to take those graduate level courses required for the MA degree during the last two years in the program. By awarding up to 20 hours of dual credit (undergraduate and graduate), the student also uses these courses to satisfy the requirements for the MA in mathematics.

For admission to the program, a student must:

  1. have completed at least 30 hours of college credit including 8 hours of 3000-level or above mathematics courses;
  2. have at least a 3.0 average for all college courses; and
  3. have at least a 3.5 average for all mathematics courses taken at the 3000-level or above.

To apply for admission, send a letter to the Chair of the Department of Mathematics stating your qualifications and desire to enter the program. A student in this program is eligible to apply for an assistantship in the senior year. A student is considered to be a senior if they have earned 90 or more semester hours, however, they cannot have earned a baccalaureate degree either at USF or elsewhere. To plan your program, see the Undergraduate Advisor in Mathematics.

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Last updated: 12-Jul-2002.
Copyright © 1999, USF Department of Mathematics.