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Colloquia -- Fall 2003

Thursday, November 20, 2003

Title Nucleic-Acid-Based Sensors and Logic Gates
Speaker Dr. Milan Stojanovic
Department of Medicine
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Time 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Place CHE 100
Sponsor Dr. N. Jonoska
Note This colloquium is joint with the Chemistry Department.


  1. Starting from a three-way DNA junction structure, various sensors for hydrophobic molecules could be constructed. These sensors could be arrayed into cross-reactive arrays capable of fingerprinting hydrophobic molecules in solution.
  2. Deoxyribozymes could be turned into sensors for the presence of one or more oligonucleotides. Arrays of these sensors could be used to perform decision-making in solution.

Friday, November 14, 2003

Title Strictly Hermitian Positive Definite Functions
Speaker Dr. Allan Pinkus
Technion University
Haifa, Israel
Time 3:00-4:00
Place PHY 013
Sponsor Professor V. Totik


We talk about characterizations of various classes of positive definite and Hermitian positive definite functions. In particular we are interested in when $f(<x,y>)$ is a (Hermitian) positive definite, and strictly (Hermitian) positive definite function for $x, y\in H$, where $H$ is an arbitrary (complex) inner product space.

Friday, November 7, 2003

Title Quasi-Stationary Behavior in a Simple Discrete-Time Population Model
Speaker Professor Göran Högnäs
Åbo Akademi University
Åbo, Finland
Time 3:00-4:00
Place PHY 013
Sponsor Professor A. Mukherjea


We discuss some stochastic versions of the classical deterministic Ricker model xt+1 = xt exp(r - γxt), t = 0, 1, 2... of the time evolution of the density of a population. Here r > 0 models the intrinsic growth rate and γ >0 is an inhibitive environmental factor. The introduction of demographic stochasticity leads us to a size-dependent branching process whose quasi-stationary behavior (for some values of r) tends to concentrate around the attracting period cycle of the deterministic system. When we allow the environment to vary, modeled by an i.i.d. sequence of parameters γt, the branching process may exhibit growth-catastrophe behavior.

Friday, October 24, 2003

Title Primes is in P
Speaker Dr. Rani Siromony
Madras Christian College and Chennai Mathematical
Institute, India
Time 3:00-4:00
Place PHY 013
Sponsor Dr. N. Jonoska


On August 8, 2002, a polynomial time algorithm for recognizing Primes was given by three young computer scientists, Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena of IIT, Kanpur, India. This is a milestone in centuries-old journey towards understanding prime numbers, solving a longstanding open problem in Computational Number Theory and Complexity Theory.

Friday, October 17, 2003

Title The Blaschke Conjecture
Speaker Dr. Benjamin McKay
University of South Florida
St. Petersburg
Time 3:00-4:00
Place PHY 013
Sponsor Dr. M. Elhamdadi


On a thin sphere of glass, all light rays leaving one point will focus on the antipodal point. A surface on which all light rays from any single point collide at some other point is called a Blaschke surface. Leon Green (1961) showed that all Blaschke surfaces are spheres; his techniques were very hard. The classification of Blaschke objects in higher dimensions is open. I will present my new results on this old (1921) problem; I employ only elementary calculus of differential forms and elementary projective geometry.

Friday, October 10, 2003

Title Asymptotics of Orthogonal Polynomials,the Riemann-Hilbert Problem and Universality in Matrix Models
Speaker Professor Alexander Its
Indiana Univesity-Purdue University at Indianapolis
Time 3:00-4:00
Place PHY 013
Sponsor Professor V. Totik


Recent developments in the theory of random matrices and orthogonal polynomials reveal striking connections of the subject to integrable nonlinear differential equations of both the KP and the Painlevé types. These connections, in particular, make it possible to use nontraditional analytical schemes of the theory of integrable systems, such as the Riemann-Hilbert asymptotic method, for proving Dyson's universality conjecture concerning the scaling limit of correlations between eigenvalues for a wide class of exponential weights. In the talk, the essence of the Riemann-Hilbert approach to matrix models will be presented together with an exposition of their occurrence in diverse areas of mathematics and physics.

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Last updated: 19-Nov-2003.
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