University and College Policies

Course Syllabi Policy

The policy appears below and we ask that you adhere to it.

Every regularly scheduled classroom course must have a syllabus. The syllabus should be handed out on the first day of class, and no later than the second day of class of the semester. The syllabus must include the course title, course prefix, number of section, instructor's name, office hours and location, phone number, course objectives, attendance policy, grading policy, dates of scheduled exams, course outline including assignments and dates due, and notice of permission/non-permission to sell notes or tapes of class lectures. Faculty are also encouraged to include titles of required textbooks and readings, a policy statement on make up of missed work, e-mail or FAX number, and a reminder that students who anticipate being absent from class due to religious observance should inform the instructor by the second class meeting.

In addition to the seven items listed above, we encourage you to include other information that you believe will assist your students to participate fully in their courses. You may refer to the publication Instructional Resource Guide for New Faculty and Graduate Teaching Assistants that is available from the Center for Teaching Enhancement for detailed suggestions.

In addition, the Department of Mathematics asks for a copy of your syllabi for our files.

Dishonesty Policy

Grading Policy

Beginning Fall Semester 2000, please be reminded that the University's Grading Policy has changed to include plus and minus grades and your course syllabi should be clear with regard to how the new grades will be implemented in your courses. A copy of the Policy on Plus and Minus Grades at USF can be found in the USF Undergraduate Catalog, 2006-2007.

Final Examinations

You MUST administer your final examination during final examination week. The administration frowns upon instructors giving exams early. Also note that in all likelihood your final exam day, time, and location will be different from when your class is regularly scheduled. The final exam matrix is accessible through this website. Be sure to alert your students as to the exact time, date, and location of the final examination.

University Policy on Religious Observances

Last for your attention is the Policy on Religious Observances also which can be viewed and downloaded from the Student Affairs web site, I ask that you take this into consideration as you plan your syllabi. As the University becomes increasingly diverse, it is important to be respectful of those who wish to observe major religious events. It is recommended that faculty incorporate the following sentence into their course syllabi:

Students who anticipate the necessity of being absent from class due to the observation of a major religious observance must provide notice of the date(s) to the instructor, in writing, by the second class meeting.

Thank you for your assistance in adhering to these policies.

Please direct questions to
Last updated: 17-Jan-2007.
Copyright © 2002, USF Department of Mathematics & Statistics.

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